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Hobonichi Techo WeeksMonthly Calendar

Monthly calendar

The monthly calendar is ideal for managing schedules. The graph paper design is lightly printed to make it easier to write in your plans and take notes in an even line. The subdued gray and red allow for high visibility when writing in the calendar.

The monthly calendar spans the following dates:
January-start: December 2020 - March 2022
April-start: March 2021 - April 2022

Monthly data

Each header includes the year, numerical month, the traditional Japanese name of the month, and the English name of the month.

Daily boxes

Each box is lightly printed with a graph design to make it easy to fill in a full day’s worth of plans. You can also take full advantage of the graph design by drawing out sections to allocate plans or entries visually.

Week number

The monthly calendars include the number of the week. The formula we use begins counting with the first week in January that includes a Thursday.

Free space and check boxes

The monthly calendars include free space below and to the left for taking notes, making plans or decorating the calendars with stickers and washi tape. The right page includes 4 checkboxes for listing goals and commitments for the month ahead.

Moon phase

The calendars include icons depicting new moons (●) and full moons (○). (While the moon phase is the same across the world, the exact dates the moon phases land on are listed in Japan time.)

Rokuyo (Traditional Japanese calendar)

The monthly calendar days are labeled with rokuyo, a cycle of six days said to predict good or bad fortune that day. The labels are commonly found on Japanese calendars and used to plan weddings and funerals.

National holiday

Japanese national holidays are printed lightly.