販売開始を (メールマーク) おしらせメール

At the present time, sales of items made by Kesennuma Knitting are very irregular, though we hope we never see the day when we have to say, “We’ve very sorry but the sales period is closed on this item.”

We send sales and other important information through our email alert service. Please register with your email address if you would like to receive mails from us.


New accounts
Enter your email address here
Enter the email address that you’ve registered here
If you’ve changed email address, please cancel your previous registration and register again with your new address.
Mobile phone registration

Our email notices are sent as text to phones capable of receiving mail with more than 2000 characters.

Mail messages are sent from the address: info@knitting.co.jp. And you may receive confirmation of your registration from this address.  Please ensure that this address is not blocked.

Please be aware that there is a possibility that mail messages may be delayed, depending on the mobile service.